Datascan will guide you to going paper-light.

Datascan has been working with Colleges, Education Training Boards, and Universities on many projects, assisting them with Digitising HR, Finance, Medical and other commercially sensitive records.

For CCTV redaction services Datascan works with many of Ireland’s secondary schools providing pixelation services to assist them in handling of SDARs and dealing with incidents in the school grounds.

School boards and other educational institutions need to be certain that they are treating personally identifiable data in accordance with good governance principles.

Datascan is able to give advice on how best to handle sensitive records for Schools and Third level institutions, whether they be in hard or soft copy or video formats.

Datascan Services for Education

Efficient Education Document Imaging, the Right Way.

Experience  hassle-free Education document scanning with our streamlined approach. Our team of experts will effortlessly guide you through the entire process, ensuring a seamless conversion project. Entrust your Education documents to us. Simplify your journey with our reliable Education document imaging services.

A Guide for School Boards on GDPR Compliance with CCTV Footage

Schools in Ireland have increasingly adopted CCTV cameras for security purposes. Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is crucial when dealing with this CCTV footage. Here is a concise guide …

What HR Needs to Know about Redaction and GDPR

Data Subject Access Requests are becoming more commonplace.  This can be a worrying process for any business and sometimes the responsibility lands on the desk of the HR department.  It is important …