Datascan will guide you on the journey to paper-light.
Whether you require a one-time digitisation of Discovery files in preparation for a court appearance or ongoing legal scanning services, we can help. Datascan has over 20 years of legal document imaging experience, collaborating with law offices and legal departments across various industries. We facilitate the Digitisation of critical legal documents, ensuring their accuracy and security and ease of access to enable your team to collaborate effectively.
Reduce Costs & Clutter
Legal practices manage an extensive volume of paperwork, and the costs associated with leasing additional space for storage or outsourced records management can be significant. Digitising your legacy and work-in- progress files reduce storage costs while eliminating excess clutter, leading to a more efficient and organised workspace.
GDPR Compliance
The security of your sensitive documents is our top priority. Our legal scanning service employs processes and technologies that adhere to GDPR and regulations governing confidentiality and data privacy of personally identifiable information.
Improve Security
Digitising legacy legal documents greatly minimises the chances of unauthorised access, loss, or damage. It also provides robust disaster protection for your records, safeguarding them against unforeseen events and ensuring their longevity and accessibility. Our scanning services are certified to ISO27001, ISO9001 and Cyber Essentials standards.
Ultimate Flexibility
You may already be using a case management package to control your client information in your practice. Datascan services work alongside any case management package you have installed. Our service provides digitised documents which are fully OCR searchable and ready to import into your case management package. Or indeed to be retained in your digital file repository.
Greater Efficiency
Digital document management eliminates time wasted searching for documents. Sharing digital files with your team members regardless of whether they are operating from the office, or remotely, enables efficient collaboration and instant access to data.
Datascan Services for Solicitors & Legal Firms
Efficient Legal Document Imaging, the Right Way.
Experience a hassle-free legal document scanning with our streamlined approach. Our team of experts will effortlessly guide you through the entire process, ensuring a seamless conversion project. Entrust your legal documents to us. Simplify your journey with our reliable legal document imaging services.
Why Data Security is Top of the Agenda for This Law Practice
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